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- Opportunistic

- Vengeance-driven

- Ambitious

- Greedy

- “Brawlers”


The Umbarim, the descendants of Castamir's soldiers, are the largest percentage of gondorian/haradrim mixed blood, and makes up most of the sailors and corsairs of the fleets of Umbar. 


They are most commonly slum-rats living in the most poor conditions in umbar, and are also most often marked as criminals from birth.

Behaviour and Culture.

Umbarim behavior is very different from the Adunakhôri. Not being of noble blood, they don't act like the model citizens of Umbar, instead they steal, do beat downs and they are often willing to do even the most dirty and vile job for a couple of rîm and a smidgen of honor through the ranks.


When fronted by a Adunakhôri, they often crumble and show obedience to the Târk if it is only the two of them, but if there is one Adunakhôri but multiple Umbarim they often act more loosely, not being afraid of the lone Târk, until proven otherwise.


Every umbarim has the chance to prove their worth however, and earn the status of tark, cause of the little numenorean blood in their veins

Vengeance is a big part of the umbarim mindset - they consider themselves the living vengeance of the dead king Castamir,  and proudly wear his sigil wherever they go.


The Umbarim wear raggy, dirty, battered clothes with visible battle scarring and damage and is a way for them to showcase their many battles. Their clothes are also often handed down to new soldiers from the salvaged clothes of the dead. Baggy, hole filled pants and a dirty shirt is the common basicwear of the Umbarim, often accompanied with a gambeson and a bandulear. They also wear dirty merchant clothes when off duty

Their relationship to the Adunakhôri is for the most time not the
greatest ever, thinking that many of the Adunakhôri 

Is rich from parents' money and has not lived through real struggle to get a bit of Rîm. They honor the Adunakhôri who are heros to Umbar but they see all other Târku who are just existing without anything to give to Umbar as rich filth that stains Umbar.


Mostly common merchants and fishers, the Sakalai doest hold a lot of respect in the common Umbarim - but some of them have come to respect their craftmanship at sea, and see them as the providers of both luxery and food.


Their relationship to angmarim is mostly unknown, meaning that as a culture itself they don't have a good or bad relation, but it is up to the individual Umbarim to choose.


They see haradrim as dirt blooded, and a filthy folk worth almost nothing, yet they are still ready to make deals with them to get Rîm.

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