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- Proud
- Prone to violence
- Nearly pure numenor lineage
- View each other as brothers/sisters
- Fanatical


Adunakhôri, also known as Târk or “Children of the West", are almost the direct descendants of the numenoreans. The Adunakhôri live in the old kingsmen barracks close to the inner ring, and are highly regarded as the city's best fighters. They are trained soldiers and even start their training as small children.

They are Umbars closest answer to knights - a low nobility class with little political influence, but a lot of martial prowess.

Behaviour and Culture

Adunakhôri hold a lot of pride for their Numenor lineage - some of them even benefit from the blood’s gifts, such as growing older than normal men, or being a head taller.

They are few in number - but as a rarity within the many cultures of umbar, they rarely backstab or betray one another, for they view each other as brothers and sisters of the old ways.
Conflicts between adunakhôri still appear however, but more often as direct streetfights or duels, instead of the normal ambushes and poisonings.

They are nearly all fanaticly loyal to the path of Mautark, the deity of Umbar, and see it as a principle of life to serve him.

They often act aggressive to show their superiority, but how they do that is up to the individual Târk.



Adunakhôri dresses in style, often wearing slim battle trousers and slim gambeson. Most of the time they are the biggest of the bunch and hold upmost great strength. They are dressed in fine attire and have battlegear sown to them. They wear battlepants (padded pants made of gambeson) and a well-fitted gambeson over the finest shirts you can find in umbar.

Relations with other cultures.
As the martial fist of the ruling class, Adunakhôri rarely talks bad of the regime that grants them their principles.


the strength of their lineage will judge them - Often being viewed as lesser than their own blood, there are still exceptions amongst this culture, who proves that the little Târk blood they have burns hot, and therefore worthy of respect.



useful tools for the common work - the Sakalai traders, fishers and merchants are the common folk and the Adunakhôri view them as such, until they forget their place.

these desert rats own not a sense of will or courage to their name - Adunakhôri views them with the utmost disrespect..

your distant kin of the north - these are the closest to be viewed as equals amongst the Adunakhôri, valuing a few of the same aspects as themselves.


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