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  • Common folk

  • Mostly merchants and fishers

  • Stubborn

  • Indigenous to the coasts

  • Many old traditions.

The Sakalai (coast-folk) are the largest population group in the realm of Umbar, and the indigenous folk, dating back to before Umbar was even founded.


They are the common, settled population of the realm, dealing in everything from bakeries and farms to merchants and traders.


The most proud occupation for any sakalai though, is fishing, an occupation that often goes through many generations of the families.

Behavior and Culture.

The Sakalai are a stubborn and hardy folk - they have survived in the lands of Umbar for as long as anyone can remember, through countless wars, diseases and famines. And they take great pride in this fact.


Most of the Sakalai revere both the Mautark, the patron of Umbar, as well as the ancient spirits and gods that were worshiped before the founding.


As such, they still have a lot of old traditions passed down through the families.

They will rarely engage in rebellion or brawls, but will protect their home and belongings to the death.


The Sakalai tend to wear a mix of both haradrim and umbarim clothes, wearing turbans and cloth around the head to protect against the sun, together with the ragged wests and loose trousers of umbar’s corsairs.

The fishermen of the sakalai often wear something that symbolizes their pride of the job - everything from broad fisher-hats to decorative nets are very common sights around the docks and harbors of the city.




Best not be on their bad side, on the good side is a lot of coin to earn - to the sakalai, the fighters of the adunakhôri are a fearful sight, and they often avoid conflicts. They do see them as good buyers and customers.


loud-mouthed and arrogant brigands, the whole lot of them - the sakalai view these common corsairs and criminals with a certain disdain, as they often disrupt the trade and fishing that most coast-folk rely on to survive.



Good company to have a drink with, we share the streets and commerce - the Haradrim of the city and the sakalai often have a good relation to each other, being the only folk that doesnt share the blood of the west, and it's not uncommon for them to even share families and trade.

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